If your insurance company has rejected a claim, you will understandably want to know why. If this leads you to uncover mistakes made by your insurance broker, you could be in a position to make a professional negligence claim.
When can I sue an insurance professional?
Insurance professionals – such as insurance brokers – must take reasonable care when acting on behalf of their clients. If they make a mistake and this causes the client to suffer adverse consequences, it could amount to professional negligence.
If this has happened to you, it is likely that you asked an insurance broker to arrange cover, whether for your business or for your individual needs. An incident may then have occurred which prompted you to make an insurance claim, only for the claim to be rejected. You may then have realised that your broker failed to meet their responsibilities.
Examples of insurance broker professional negligence
Examples of insurance broker negligence include –
- Under-insuring the client
- Failing to cover all the risks
- Failing to renew a policy when asked to do so
- Arranging insurance which does not meet the client’s needs
- Providing inaccurate advice
- Delays in arranging insurance
- Failing to disclose key information to the client/insurance company
- Filling out the forms incorrectly
This is by no means an exhaustive list and there are various other situations in which an insurance broker might be found negligent.
Should I speak to a solicitor?
Because it is difficult to understand when an insurance professional has acted negligently, it is best to speak to a solicitor as soon as possible. That’s where we can help you. At Solicitors Near Me, we connect you with professional negligence solicitors in your area who specialise in claims against insurance brokers.
Speaking to a solicitor will allow you to clarify your legal position, helping you understand whether or not you have been the victim of professional negligence.
Will I get compensation?
If you are able to make a claim, and it’s successful, you will be awarded compensation for your damages. This is intended to put you back in the financial position you would have been in, had it not been for the negligence. This will be a relief, particularly if you have had an insurance claim rejected and have found yourself out of pocket.
How much does it cost?
At Solicitors Near Me UK, we do not charge you a thing. We put you in touch with professional negligence solicitors in your area completely free of charge and without obligation. We know how difficult it is to find the right legal advice when you need it and we want to help.
Once you speak to a solicitor, you are under no obligation to continue with their services. However, if you would like to pursue a professional negligence claim, you can discuss the various funding options with your solicitor. He or she can recommend the best approach in your individual circumstances.
To be connected to a specialist professional negligence claim solicitor near to where you live, please either call us now on 0845 1391399 or complete a Free Online Enquiry ».